Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Is There An App For That?

Well, there sure is! It doesn’t matter what information you need access to, or what activity you want to track, there must be an App(lication) for that. And if you own an iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, iPod Touch, Android or Mac, you are already probably a convert to the App world. We are now able to do things that were thought impossible even a decade ago.

But believe it or not many people have yet to jump on the App bandwagon. Now there is fitness at your finger tips. So if you want to take a first step towards a fitness application, MapMyFitness may help you, as they have one of the fastest growing online fitness-oriented social networks and training applications out there. Millions of runners, walkers, hikers and cyclists use their online training tools.

MapMyFitness actually has a suite of websites including,,,,, and – something for everyone! Among other things, you can map your route and track your results just for yourself or compare them with your friends. The good thing is that you don’t have to be an elite athlete or be into serious recreational activities in order to use the functions. If you move, you can use it! Maybe all you want to know is how far you walked the dog each night or the route you and your kids took on your bike ride. A very unique idea to getting someone motivated towards some fitness goals is in the MapMyWalk app that has designed a few challenges for spring, where you can complete your goal over a specified period of time, such as walking a marathon in 30 days. What a great idea!

Of course, depending on your needs, there are many other popular Apps to consider. Here is just a small sampling.

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