This morning SIRC joined ParticipACTION and CBC’s Live Right Now program. The goal of this six month program is to change the health of the nation and we have decided to join. With thousands of sport and fitness publications at our fingertips we have made a commitment to actively engage ourselves in living a healthy lifestyle.
You may have heard the SIRC staff talking about our mini office challenges. This started last fall with the SIRC Fitness Challenge that expanded to include Muscular Monday, Topple Over Tuesday, Wall Sit Wednesday, Plank-Out Thursday, and Flex Friday. As of January we will continue this as well as begin the 100 Day Challenge where we plan on doing 30 minutes of physical activity every day for 100 days straight. So if it takes 21 days to form a habit by the time that we’re through physical fitness will be well incorporated into our lifestyles.
We love the Live Right Now Challenges. So far we’ve completed the “Take the Body Age Test” (and discovered most in the SIRC office range from 10 to 29 years old) as well as pledged to bring our lunch every day, lose 65 lbs, eat three meals a day, and go for walk breaks. Sound like fun? Join the SIRC (Sport Information Resource Centre) and Friends group. It’s going to be great!!
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