Thursday, July 24, 2014

Renewal Time … Is the Canadian Sport Policy working?

Folks from across Canada have been meeting to discuss the Canadian Sport Policy. In 2012, the ten year term of the current policy is ending. Should we continue as is? Should there be no Policy? Should we adopt Canadian Sport for Life? Do the current four pillars (Participation, Excellence, Capacity and Interaction) reflect Canadian society now? These are some of the questions the federal and provincial/territorial governments are now considering.

Sport Canada and the Sport Matters Group have been asking for thoughts from Canadians on the Policy. Here are some of the suggestions so far:

- Extending the vision of the Sport Policy to incorporate the social development aspects of sport such as community involvement, immigration, and education
- Adding Community Building as a fifth pillar
- Evaluate what is meant by ‘participation’ to incorporate unstructured and informal sport
- Incorporate the language of Canadian Sport 4 Life

Do you want to find out more? The summary of findings from the community engagement and the consultation process are available online as well as the reports from the working groups, consultation papers and more.

Read the documents and if you have thoughts now is the time to get them out there to be heard.

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