Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Safe Road Cycling

Cyclists and cars are often competing to use the same road space. Though many cities have started to build in safety features for cyclists including bicycle paths, bicycle lanes and signage, there are many things a cyclist must do to remain safe on the roadways. While it is recognized that the vehicle drivers also need to take responsibility for their behavior on the road in regards to bicyclists, a recent article from the SIRC Collection suggests the following 15 tips through which cyclists can ease the bike-car struggle.
  1. Choose appropriate routes for the time of day
  2. Take the space you are allowed
  3. Have the right skills for the situation
  4. Be very visible
  5. Report serious incidents to the police even when there is an accident
  6. Acknowledge when a driver does the right behavior
  7. Change were you are riding if you are having habitual accidents
  8. Take a cycling course if you are not an experienced commuter
  9. Seek a bike buddy or start a bike bus
  10. Bunches shouldn’t exceed 20 riders
  11. Know and obey the road rules
  12. Don’t push the rules in some situations
  13. Treat everyone as if they are about to do something stupid
  14. Defend bike riders sensibly
  15. Join a local cycling group that works with local government to improve cycling conditions

For more details, order the full article from SIRC: Bosch, Tanya (2010). Sharing the Road. Australian Cyclist, 35 (2), p.26-28.

For cycling information in Canada check in to the resources at the Canadian Cycling Association/Association cyclist canadienne

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