Wednesday, July 2, 2014

University of Alberta to Provide Aboriginal Sport and Recreation Certificate

The Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation and the Faculty of Native Studies at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada have joined forces to offer a new certificate for students geared towards Aboriginal sport and recreation, starting the fall of 2011. The first of its kind in Canada, the program is designed to offer core courses from both faculties and will provide graduates with an enhancement to their degrees, expanding their knowledge in the field of Aboriginal Peoples’ health and wellness through sport and recreation.

Research shows that participation in sport and physical activity is an important factor in improving the mental and physical well-being of youth, and with the rapid growth in Aboriginal youth, these qualified students will now go into these communities with relevant skills and qualifications. Acknowledging that there is a great deal of culture that needs to be respected and understood, the university felt that the students needed to learn certain protocols in order to work in Aboriginal communities by knowing how to better handle cultural sensitivities.

The students will graduate with their degree, but now also with a certificate that will provide them with the precise tools to better enhance their leadership in the area of sport and recreation, specifically focused in Aboriginal communities, in so doing, creating more success. This certificate in Aboriginal sport and recreation is a timely addition to the academic programs on the Edmonton campus and is open to all students at the University of Alberta provided they can fit it in with their course of study, and their particular degree permits them to enroll in it.

For more information on Aboriginal education, health and fitness, please visit SIRC.

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