Saturday, August 2, 2014

SIRC at the CASM-OMA Sport Medicine Conference

Being highlighted at two pre-conference workshops, SIRC started off the CASM Conference with a bang.

First, Reference Librarian, Brandie Adams spoke about membership during the Osteoarthritis Workshop Wednesday morning. Then, the article “The Sport Specific Movement Assessment” by Bruce Craven published in SIRCuit was highlighted during the Injury Prevention session. In the evening, Nancy Rebel and Brandie Adams were on hand to answer questions for CASM delegates ranging from how to log in, to what publications are in the SIRC Collection. Everyone loved that they could email or call one of the SIRC librarians and information specialists. It was great to hear how many people are familiar with SIRC and enjoy the SIRC Newsletters.

If you would like to visit SIRC at the CASM Conference we are located at booth 221-223 in the Metro East ballroom at the Westin Harbour Castle. Located next to the compression garment. booth which ironically is the topic of the latest newsletter!

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