Thursday, August 14, 2014

Heavy Lifters!!

Weightlifting, not a sport you usually think about doing in your retirement. Golf, bowling, curling – these are the more common pursuits of the retired generation. But these sports are not for everyone, especially if you are a Canadian Masters Weightlifting record holder and gold medalist. Bernie Eckler, a regular visitor to SIRC’s Toronto Regional library, is just that. Even though he is fast approaching 70 years old, Bernie still works out regularly with the Apollo Barbell Club, and works part-time for Athletics Ontario. Currently, he is planning a trip to the Pan American Masters Weightlifting Championships this June in Montreal.

The Apollo Barbell Club has quite a reputation in the Canadian Weightlifting world. In 2008 all 9 members of the club who competed in the Canadian Masters Championships won gold medals and in 2009 they won eight gold and one silver.

Weightlifting has been an Olympic Sport since 1920, and was first debuted in the 1896 Athens Summer Olympics. There are two areas of competition, the snatch and the clean and jerk. In the snatch, the bar is pulled in one explosive motion from the floor to full arm's length overhead. In the clean and jerk (C&J), the bar is also lifted to full arm's length overhead. However, although it is considered one event, the C&J is really two lifts that must be completed one immediately after the other. In the clean, the bar is raised (pulled) in an explosive motion from the floor to a point of rest approximately at the level of the shoulders. The second part of the C&J, the jerk, consists of bending the legs and then extending both the arms and the legs to bring the bar to full arm's length over the head in one explosive motion.

Here are just a few of the articles found in the SportDiscus™ Database on Masters Weightlifting…

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