Wednesday, August 13, 2014

2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics

Check out the latest SIRC Newsletter -2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics!

With the 2010 Winter Olympic Games starting this week in Vancouver, Olympic fever is upon us. It is hard to walk down the street without seeing someone wearing the famous red mittens or open the paper and not see stories about the Vancouver Olympics. These Games are sure to be an action packed two weeks but what will make the Vancouver Olympic Games stick out? Not only have they created what they claim to be the fastest speed skating and luge tracks … ever, they have also created the most sophisticated and comprehensive anti-doping programs yet. It does not end there! VANOC is hoping to pull off the “greenest” Games so far by including initiatives such as planting two trees for every tree that was cut down during the preparation for the Games. So put on your Canadian colours, cheer on our athletes and make these the best Games ever.

SIRC would like to wish all athletes good luck at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics!

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