Friday, August 1, 2014

Athletics Ontario – a Meet to Remember

This past weekend, the SIRC Toronto Regional Information Specialist attended the Athletics Ontario’s National Qualifier Meet & Ontario Relay & JW 5000m & Combined Events Championships & National Junior Combined Events Championships (I know quite a mouthful). The event was a huge success for both participants and organizers despite the stormy weather. The event took place at the Toronto Track and Field Centre (TTFC) at the York University Campus. SIRC was on hand to promote the SIRC membership to Athletics Ontario Coaches, Trainers and Officials as they now have an association membership. The SIRC booth was visited by over 40 Athletics Ontario coaches and trainers, as well as numerous athletes and parents at the meet. The coaches were very excited about their new membership benefit and eagerly picked up brochures and searching guides. “I’d like to tell you that this is a great service, but I can’t, because it is more than great!” was just one of the comments made by coaches about the Athletics Ontario’s new SIRC membership. Coaches eagerly chatted with the SIRC Information Specialist about LTAD and overtraining as well as sport nutrition and developing effective warm up drills. Coaches and trainers not only talked about how SIRC would help them with their athletes, but also how it would help them in their jobs as elementary school teachers, wellness professionals and safety experts. Students and athletes were interested in SIRC’s career page and monthly newsletter, while parents were eager to know what they should be feeding their athletes before a meet. SIRC was able to meet all their information needs.

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