Before choosing a trip or adventure, it is a good idea to take a look at the types of activities you will be doing and match them to your skill and fitness level. For example:
- Easy adventures - involve bus/cross-border shopping trips or cruises
- Moderate adventures - may include hiking or geocaching
- Extreme or 'hard' adventures - white water rafting, ziplining, or trekking through the jungle
- Set aside a predetermined time to walk, bike, swim, or participate in an exercise class.
- Investing in a pedometer can provide good motivation and feedback on your progress.
- Incorporate physical activity in your life by; taking the stairs, parking further away from a mall entrance, or pacing while talking on the phone. All of these little changes will add up to a substantial increase in your physical activity.
- Flexibility training will come in handy for long days of sight seeing. Stretching is also important for those who will be doing a lot of walking during their travels, experiencing long plane rides or driving for long distances.
References from the SIRC Collection:
1. Cruising comforts. Active Living. November 2002;11(5):38-39.
2. Luthi W. Adventure travel: an overview. Journal On Active Aging. May 2007;6(3):38-46.
3. Patterson I. Baby Boomers and adventure tourism: the importance of marketing the leisure experience. World Leisure Journal. 2002;44(2):4-10.
4. Rogers M, Rogers N, Page P. Get ready for summer! a fitness program to prepare for vacations. Functional U. May 2007;5(3):1-8.
5. Staats S, Pierfelice L. Travel: A Long-Range Goal of Retired Women. Journal Of Psychology. September 2003;137(5):483-494.
6. Sugerman D. The relationship of age to motivation and skill development level in outdoor adventure programs for older adults. / Comment l'age agit sur la motivation et le niveau de developpement des habiletes dans les programmes d'activites de plein air axees sur l'aventure, a l'intention des aines. / Como la edad actua sobre la motivacion y el nivel de desarrollo de las habilidades en los programas de actividades al aire libre orientados sobre la aventura y dirigidos hacia las personas mayores. Society & Leisure / Loisir & Société. Autumn 2002 2002;25(2):351-376.
7. Travel by Leisure Care: enriching lives through the fun of adventure. Journal On Active Aging. May 2007;6(3):76-79.
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