Saturday, August 23, 2014

Welcome to SIRC's Blogger page

Keep up to date on sport information by checking back here regularily.

Check out SIRC's recent newsletter on Sport and Social Development.

Sport is a tool that has far-reaching affect on society. From Africa to Canada it can be used to educate youth, reduce the risk of disease, prevent crime, provide economic development, aid in social inclusion, increase environmental awareness and bring communities closer together.

On November 6th the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) released a new report from the True Sport Movement. What Sport Can Do: A True Sport Report outlines community sport in Canada and how it is an integral part of Canadian society by examining how it improves health and well-being, puts children on a positive life course, builds stronger and more inclusive communities, contributes to Canadian economy and promotes environmental sustainability.

SIRC is on the road this week

Tuesday November 18, SIRC is in Vancouver, BC., presenting at the ANADO Extraordinary Meeting of Members. Debra Gassewitz, President and CEO of SIRC, has been asked to talk to the members of ANADO (Association of National Anti-Doping Organizations) about the services available to them from SIRC.

Thursday November 20, Debra will be presenting to Environment Canada in Niagara, Ontario. Her presentation, Communicating the Air Quality Message to the Sport Community highlights some of the vehicles used to communicate with the sport and fitness community which are available through SIRC. Debra will also give a brief description of Canada’s sport resource centre and the resources available to Canadians; as well as an outline of the activities about to be undertaken together with Environment Canada to promote the message of Air Quality to the sport community.

SIRC Newsletter -Periodization

Check out SIRC's recent newsletter on

Periodization can be explained as the process of varying a training program to bring out optimal gains in performance. Periodization training is effective for athletes from the grassroots level to the elite level. The most important thing to consider before starting a periodization training schedule is the design of the program. When creating your program it is important to take into account the ability of the athlete, type of sport and goals the training schedule is designed to meet.

Friday, August 22, 2014

SIRC Newsletter -Top 10 Requested Articles of 2008

Check out our latest Newsletter - Top 10 Requested Articles of 2008

SIRC receives requests for articles everyday from sport medicine doctors, researchers and coaches from across Canada and around the world. With over 6.5 million pages of sport related material SIRC is the world’s leading sport information resource centre.
Articles are available online or through SIRC’s document delivery service. In this issue of the SIRC newsletter we would like to share ten of the top requested articles of 2008.
SIRC is also pleased to share with you five of the top research topics of 2008.

SIRC Newsletter -Health Promotion

Check out the latest SIRC newsletter -Health Promotion

Health Promotion is often defined as the science and art of helping people change their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health. A key component of healthy living is exercise. Just doing moderate levels of exercise every week has proven to decrease your risk of disease and improve your quality of life.

SIRC Newsletter -Running

Check out the latest SIRC Newsletter on Running

Have you ever noticed that there always seem to be more runners when the warm weather hits? Whether you are just starting out, run for physical activity or are competitive, there are many things to you can do to keep motivated and running all summer. Injury, heat, boredom, and lack of motivation are just a few obstacles runners face. However, simple things like warming-up and warming-down, picking the correct time of day to run, and selecting the correct route and distance will all assist in making your runs more enjoyable and injury free. So lace up your runners and get out there!