Monday, June 23, 2014

Olympic Legacy: Inspiration for 2012

The 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games in London have made a promise to reach out the world’s youth in an effort to connect them to the inspirational power of the Olympics, hence they have developed the “International Inspiration” program. This legacy programme, a promise made by the 2012 Olympic Games bid team, is already changing the lives of less fortunate kids in underdeveloped countries. Inspiring them to choose sport gives them the chance to see that they have a right to play and fulfil their potential by participating in local sporting events with their peers, and in turn they will become leaders, positive role models and offer much inspiration.  With a plan to steer youth away from risky behaviours and towards healthy choices and inclusion, this popular program has already produced significant achievements with 19 countries (and counting) to date:
  • 12 million young people have actively participated in physical education, play and sport - many for the first time in their lives
  • Approximately 79,000 teachers, coaches and young leaders have been trained to lead sport, physical education and play in their schools and communities, learning new skills
  • 21 policies, strategies or legislative changes have been implemented or influenced

International Inspiration, with their unique approach, works with policy makers, sporting practitioners as well as with the youth themselves. By doing so, there are changes being made in the way that countries are promoting the role of sport in the community and the school curriculum. Some of the countries already benefitting from this program are Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Malaysia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palau, South Africa, Trinidad & Tobago, Turkey and Zambia.

This important project, in cooperation with the London Olympic Committee of the Olympic Games (LOCOG) is supported by a unique partnership of organizations including UK Sport, UNICEF and the British Council. It will continue to focus on ensuring the program is sustainable and will leave a lasting legacy in these countries after its final year in 2014.

Contact SIRC for more information on sport for development.

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